adventure time: first night of school and ici's

Yep, cutesy freshly made ice cream is definitely a pretty darn lovely way to end the first day of getting back to college. I went to Ici's with a group of very loud friends who thought that obnoxiously singing songs from Frozen to and from the place was a great idea--yep, they couldn't be anymore #hydrated than that. I think I got some fancy brown sugar with almonds flavor--I forget because the name was so long (and since their flavors change on a daily basis, really there's no use on calling favorites). I'm also a very firm believer in their crepe-like cone, which pretty much tops off the whole ice-cream experience. Also I've never had sparkling water before and since this was my first time trying it, I would like to say that I don't like it but also somehow appreciate the leech-like sensation it causes? I don't know, sparkling water has left me at a crossroads. But Ici's is definitely something I will frequent.

The picture that showcases our twinning fashion senses: Roxanne is the classy as fuck hipster while I'm the edgy as fuck hipster. It's a pretty solid dynamic.

Another solid dynamic: the Nikki/Kate/Nicki sandwich, est. Senior Weekend 2013.

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