i suck, which isn't exactly a bad thing

(my design)

This will be a relatively short post--it has to be because I'm already behind on several readings--that I felt the need to do.

I find myself going back to these wise words of wisdom (from the ever so awesome Jake the Dog) every now and then--but now more than ever at such a huge transitional time in my life. Even after a week and a half of living it, it's all still pretty surreal, and some days I wake up telling myself this is all very much nonfiction. I mean, it's something to love and hate, and I'll expand on that on a later post, because that's not the point I'm trying to make.

My point is that I've only had about a real week of school, and it's actually truly terrifying me. This school has an entire set of expectations far beyond the shining sun and stars of the Andromeda Galaxy, and despite being only one student of 30,000, there's an immeasurable weight of pressure to do great. In other, less conflicting, words, I'm #hella intimidated. There's just so m u c h to breathe in all in one time, it's practically like pollution...pollution of knowledge and learning and responsibility. So I guess this is what I traded that LA smog for? (Harhar)

Anyway, Jake's golden words are one of several mantras. It just keeps me going, it reminds me that it's definitely okay to suck because that is part of the learning and growing process. Maybe one day, I'll be able to write college papers like nothing, but for now, it's okay to suck and be nervous about the writing process. That's right, one day. That means evolution. That also means that this mantra is not to be taken as an excuse to not try harder, to not regurgitate critical lessons in order to improve.

I'll be sorta good at something, soon enough.

PS: Sorry for the lack of fashion posts, I've officially reached the state of "broke college student," but I'm working on it. I solemnly swear one is in the works though, solemnly.

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